On December 18, the Cabinet of Ministers (CoM) approved the 2024-2027 Integrated Border Management Plan of the Republic of Latvia (Plan). The plan aims to strengthen national border security and…
On Tuesday, 10 September, the Cabinet of Ministers (CM) extended the reinforced border security regime until 31 December of the current year.
The reinforced border security regime will operate:
The Ministers of the Interior of the Baltic States, Poland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark have jointly addressed a letter to the European Commission (EC) calling for EU legislation to…
On Tuesday, 25 June, the Cabinet of Ministers (CoM) approved the draft law “Amendments to the State Border Guard Law” for further consideration by the Saeima. The amendments provide for supplementing…
On Tuesday, 12 March, the Cabinet of Ministers (CoM) re-announced the six-month enhanced border surveillance regime, starting from tomorrow, 13 March, until 12 September this year. The reinforced…
In order to reduce the risks of illegal immigration and threats to internal security, as well as to prevent the activities of planners, organizers and executors of illegal immigration on the Latvian …