One of the policy areas of the Ministry, within the framework of which the institutions subordinate to the Ministry acquire information regarding the intentions and activities (actions) of foreign governments, their institutions, organisations or individuals, which are directed or may be directed against the Republic of Latvia, their vital State interests, as well as ensuring the State constitutional facilities, the state's economic independence, the protection of the economic, scientific, technical and military potential, state secrets and vital public interests and security against espionage, diversion, annoyance, terror attacks and other hazards, including by taking specific measures to prevent, eliminate or eliminate these threats.
The combating of economic crime is the prevention and elimination of criminal offences committed by an individual or group of persons to gain illegal financial or professional advantages, while organised crime is characterised by the planning and committing of a criminal offence within an association of persons (more than 2 persons), the members of which have divided their duties in accordance with a previous agreement.