Press information

From 11 to 15 August 2020, a festival for the hosting of the most sacred Virgin Mary in Aglona will take place. Taking into account the spread of Covid-19 , the Ministry of Justice and the representatives of the responsible authorities shall inform about the necessary action during the festival and the security measures. 

Participation in public services on 14 August at .19 .00 and 15 August at 12.00 is only with invitations. Maximum number of people in the Basilica area of Aglona:

14 August from 7.00 a.m. .13 .30 pm and 15 August from  7.00 am until .10 .00 am - 500 persons;

14 August from 19 .00 pm and 15 August.

  • from 11 to 13 August - 400 persons;
  • 12.00 pm - 3000 persons.

By reaching the maximum number of people, the sacred area will no longer be available.

Visitor accommodation in Sacral Square on 14 August from .19 .00 and 15 August from . 12.00 will be divided into sectors to ensure the distance between people.

The whole area of the Basilica of Aglona will be demarcated during the festival and will be controlled by representatives of the authorities responsible. . The Suntavots will also be enclosed and located partly outside the festival area, providing access to it both from the inside and outside. Visitors to the

Festival must respect the distance (at least 2 metres) and they are invited not to form queues and not to huddle outside the Basilica area of Aglona, for example, in the parking lots and near Sawal Square.  Everyone must take into account the national precautions and precautions imposed by festival organisers, including the use of sharing articles, and frequently and carefully wash their hands.

The management of human flows, both before and during festival services and post-service services, as well as the respect and control of public safety and epidemiological requirements, will be particularly reinforced by representatives of the responsible authorities. In the framework of restrictive measures by

Covid-19, the possibility of parking road transport in the village of Aglona will be limited and in the situation where the number of visitors exceeds, in the presence of epidemiological risks, the possibility of stopping and parking in the village area may be denied.
pilgrims should be obliged to apply for accommodation, as they will only be provided to 500 people. . Those who wish to stay at night in Aglona are invited to contact the congregation of the Basilica of Aglona on the possibility of staying in the Catholic Gymnasium premises.

Help will be provided at first-aid points in a yellow-colored medical tent and emergency crews' machines.

During the festival should be careful in the vicinity of fire and water, weather-suited clothing should be selected. . In the heat the headgear will be protected from overheating and heat stroke, as well as regular drinking before thirst is shown.

Should be specifically considered at the Festival for his health for those suffering from chronic illness (such as cardiovascular diseases) and should be treated properly and take care of the necessary drugs.  If the disease is characterised by a disorder of consciousness, a note must be carried in the pocket indicating the given name, surname, illness (e.g. diabetes mellitus), as well as the phone number of the person concerned. . In a critical situation, this information makes it easier for the medics to provide assistance.  

Festival will also be broadcast by the media, so citizens are invited to watch them remotely.

Everyone who has symptoms of respiratory infectious disease or who doubts their health status is invited to stay at home and take part in services remotely, thereby taking care of himself and others.

Signs of infectious pathways, face masks/mouth and nose should be used as there is a risk of other people being infected. In such cases, citizens are invited to turn to medical agents at the sacred site and to contact their family doctor.

Draws attention to the fact that persons diagnosed with Covid-19 infection and isolation are obliged to undergo home quarantine and persons who have come from countries to which special precautions and limitations apply., is obliged to observe the 14-day self-isolation and must not attend the events of the festival .

If public places are visited, there is a chance to download the “Stop Covid” app. The “Stop Covid” app is designed to find out more quickly if you've been in contact with Covid-19. . Using an app can isolate itself more timely so as not to threaten family, colleagues, friends and the rest of the population.


WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU GO TO the Reception Celebration of the Most Sacred Virgin Mary in Heaven?


Prepared by: Ministry of Justice