
The State Border Guard College, assisted by the funding of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, modernised and better equipped convoyer training audience, as well as an improved training material technical base for the provision of training of convoyeurs.

Equipment and equipment were purchased during the project: office equipment, computer programs, hardware, sports equipment, furniture, communications equipment and materials, photo and video equipment, unmanned aircraft, household equipment for equipping a training audience, medical manikin, medical equipment and materials, special equipment and clothing (for organising practical activities), various materials for training purposes, as well as changed flooring and chairs for the aircraft model.

Draft programme No 2014-2020 of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund VRK/PMIF/2019/3 “Improving the technical base for Convoyer Training Materials” was implemented during the year, from 25 July 2019 to 31 August 2020. . The total financing of the project amounted to EUR 150 000, of which EUR 37 500 is public budget, while the remaining amount of EUR 112 500 is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.


This publication is designed with the support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. . The State Border Guard College shall be responsible for the content of the publication.

Contact: Aigars Zvaigzne

email:, phone .64603683